Happy Earth Day! Here’s my guest blog post in The Children’s Book Review:
And there’s a yummy buggy giveaway, too!
A Child’s Introduction to Egyptology was published this week! I love how beautifully this book turned out. There’s so much fun stuff wrapped up inside (a mummy pun for you!): A WHO’S WHO OF GODS & GODDESSES . . . HOW TO MAKE A MUMMY . . . FAMOUS FEMALE PHAROAHS . . . WHAT A PHAROAH WORE . . . A MAP TO THE AFTERLIFE . . . ANIMAL MUMMIES . . A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO BUILDING A PYRAMID . . . MUMMY CURSES AND TOMB ROBBERS. Hope you’ll take a look!
Join Team Bug!
Have you ever eaten a bug? A year ago, I would’ve said, “No way, not me.” Today, I’m a proud member of Team Bug. What happened?
Getting Ready for EAT BUGS!
The countdown begins!
EAT BUGS: PROJECT START-UP–my new middle grade series about entrepreneurship, sustainability and friendship–will be published on February 16th by Penguin Random House. Lot’s of exciting pre-launch stuff happening in the next couple of weeks!
The new year is finally here, and my main resolution is to go into 2021 with a brighter, happier outlook (has to be easy after 2020, right?). First up is my new website design (what you’re looking at right now). Out with the old and in with the new, new, new! The goal is to better convey the immense joy I feel when I write, get lost in a story, talk with kids, and hold a finished book in my hands that began as a scribbled idea in one of my notebooks. I couldn’t be happier with the explosion of color and energy on the site. What do you think? Great, right?
2021 is going to be a huge publication year for me–I have SEVEN books releasing this year. Yep, seven! They all seem one way or another to have landed in this calendar year. During a pandemic . . . of course. Since I can’t travel around to bookstores, festivals, and schools like I so wish I could, I’m going to post here about the books (what’s out and what’s coming . . .many of them I can’t reveal just yet), inside stories and random facts, and supplementary materials (both educational and fun) for kids, teachers, and homeschoolers. read more…
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